Days Until US Presidential Election: 22

Personal Choice Party

Charles Jay
Presidential Nominee
Marilyn Chambers Taylor
Vice Presidential Nominee

This is an unusual political party, to say the least. Jay is heavily involved in boxing and gambling. He's the publisher of a sports gambling Website. Taylor, his running mate, is a well-known pornography movie star and owner of a gun shop. It may come as no surprise then that their principal positions include:
  • Legalizing gambling nationwide
  • Abandoning all restrictions on firearms ownership
  • Opposing government involvement in most private ethical issues, from gay marriage, to abortion or euthanasia and strongly supporting civil liberties
Their largely libertarian viewpoint also leads them to support:
  • Withdrawing American troops from Iraq as soon as possible
  • Eliminating the Federal income tax
  • Supporting home schooling and school "choice"
  • Turning over America's national parks to private interests
  • Eliminating Social Security

Presidential Candidates

Click links for more info
George Bush
Republican Party
George W. Bush
President of US
John Kerry
Democratic Party
John Kerry
US Senator
Ralph Nader
Independent/Reform Party
Ralph Nader
Consumer advocate,
Gene Amondson
Prohibition Party
Gene Amondson
Painter, minister
Michael Badnarik
Libertarian Party
Michael Badnarik
Computer consultant
Walt Brown
Socialist Party USA
Walt Brown
Attorney, law professor
Roger Calero
Socialist Workers Party
Róger Calero
Newspaper editor
David Cobb
Green Party
David Cobb
Charles Jay
Personal Choice Party
Charles Jay
Publisher, gambling
John Parker
Workers World Party
John Parker
Communist political
Leonard Peltier
Peace & Freedom Party
Leonard Peltier
Imprisoned Native
American political activist
Michael Peroutka
Constitution Party
Michael Peroutka
Health plans analyst
Diane Templin
American Party
Diane Templin
Attorney, real estate
Bill Van Auken
Socialist Equality Party
Bill Van Auken