Days Until US Presidential Election: 22

American Party

Diane Templin
Presidential Nominee
Al Moore
Vice Presidential Nominee

Link to official website

This small political party didn't get enough signatures in 2000 to get on the ballot in a single state, and its first nominees for the Presidency in 2004 quit after only a month of campaigning when they discovered how much work it was. However, Templin took the reins in January on a platform that emphasized her positions, which she describes as:
  • 100% pro-life (i.e. anti-abortion)
  • Strong opponent of gay rights and illegal immigration
  • Strong opponent of gun control
  • Opposed to most trade agreements as preliminary steps toward world government
  • In favor of withdrawing from the United Nations and throwing it out of New York
  • Abolition of Federal ownership of land and elimination of federal zoning laws
  • The elimination of the Internal Revenue Service
  • The elimination of foreign aid, including contributions to the World Bank and the IMF
  • Non-intervention and non-involvement in the rest of the world but a very strong military
  • Reassertion of American sovereignty over the Panama Canal
  • No foreign military involvement for more than 72 hours without a declaration of war from Congress

Presidential Candidates

Click links for more info
George Bush
Republican Party
George W. Bush
President of US
John Kerry
Democratic Party
John Kerry
US Senator
Ralph Nader
Independent/Reform Party
Ralph Nader
Consumer advocate,
Gene Amondson
Prohibition Party
Gene Amondson
Painter, minister
Michael Badnarik
Libertarian Party
Michael Badnarik
Computer consultant
Walt Brown
Socialist Party USA
Walt Brown
Attorney, law professor
Roger Calero
Socialist Workers Party
Róger Calero
Newspaper editor
David Cobb
Green Party
David Cobb
Charles Jay
Personal Choice Party
Charles Jay
Publisher, gambling
John Parker
Workers World Party
John Parker
Communist political
Leonard Peltier
Peace & Freedom Party
Leonard Peltier
Imprisoned Native
American political activist
Michael Peroutka
Constitution Party
Michael Peroutka
Health plans analyst
Diane Templin
American Party
Diane Templin
Attorney, real estate
Bill Van Auken
Socialist Equality Party
Bill Van Auken